Restless girl

En liten rastlös Sandra hittade det här....

1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn't make sense.

Will it be ok? Blood on the microphone - antagligen inte dåå
How are you feeling today? Bullet in the head - Nee svävar ju på moln ;) men imorse såå
How do your friends see you? crashed - thanks !
Will you get married? crazy on chocolate - mumsfilibaba chocolate it is
What is your best friend's theme song? hellfire - haha du e skruvad du
What is the story of your life? U will be dacing - oyeeeaa
What was high school like? War craft - Jag var en krigsmaskin i skolan.. uppkäftig räka
How can you get ahead in life? Deja vu - ooohoo mufasa
What is the best thing about your friends? Delusion - jahaa?
What is tonight going to be like? Destination unknown - reser vi inatt då blåbär, New zeeland?
What is in store for the remainder of this weekend? We taking over - Alltid
What song describes you? Anima libera - haha o de betyder?
To describe your grandparents? The flight - upp i himlen har de alla flygit
How is your life going? Freakshow - stämmer bra det
What song will they play at your funeral? Dont look back in anger - good words there mannen
How does the world see you? Diabolic - Oj am i the devil?
Will you have a happy life? Dream theatre - yeeea
What do your friends really think of you? Ecstasy - ere så alltså?
Do people secretly lust after you? Eye of the beholder
How can I make myself happy? The family guy - liike him though
What should you do with your life? Final day - leva varje dag som om de vore den sista
Will you ever have children? Follow the line - what line?


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